Welcome to BalticMuseums: Love IT!
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Museums, touristic attractions, IT specialists and research institutions from Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania and Germany, have cooperated in the project ‘BalticMuseums: Love IT!’.
Project partners have created IT-enabled tools for natural and cultural heritage attractions in the South Baltic Region. Led by the University of Szczecin, the project consortium has established a brand to jointly promote the developed gamified services for visitors. The three-year project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the Interreg South Baltic Programme with about 1.2 million Euros, and has a total project budget of 1.5 million Euros. Read more about project partners, activities, outputs and our history!

e-Guide, APPs, BYOD, UX, GLO, Hackathons - find out about how Information Technology can add value in touristic attractions!
The BalticMuseums team gathers its experiences and insights during the project BalticMuseums: LoveIT! - Join our learning journey!